Over 80% of Internet users of all ages use social media to broadcast their voices. This means that whether or not you have an official social media presence, many of your clients (current and potential) do, and they are using social media to share their opinions on your products and services every single day. That’s a huge opportunity ! The sooner you join the conversation and the quicker you react to their feedbacks, the faster it will help you build a loyal audience, and open doors for users to become ambassadors of your brand.
Create a strong relationship with your users !
Social community make you benefit from building a visual identity and a more dynamic communication with your target audience and customers. It allows you to connect with people interested in your products or your sector of activity. Involving your community allows you to setup a content strategy in order to build a strong relationship and engagement with your followers.
Business goals
We must have a global vison of your business objectives in order to use the right strategies and channels that will be relevant to your activity.
Custom Contents
We create unique content designed around your audiences interests and cultures to ensure every interaction is a successful one.
Buzz Analysis
We monitor what is being talked about during social media peak hours to ensure when something big happens your company is there to capitalize.
Test & Optimization
We measure the level of interaction of your audience in order to understand which type of content works good with them and optimize it.
Social community, a Powerful asset
Having followers in the form of a community is a great marketing tool for your brand because it promotes customer loyalty, audience growth and long-term social exchange. Users will probably visit your blog and social networks more than your company's website. You can then perform actions that redirect to your website to increase traffic and give a better positioning to your business.